Dragon Gym Muay Thai Downingtown Instructor, Sami Rice offers some tips on the Muay Thai Kickboxing style round house kick. Although still a teenager, Sami has already traveled
to Europe to fight in the WKA world championships and won the silver medal! One of Sami's goals is to help teenagers and young women get started in Muay Thai training and help them realize that whether or not they want to fight they too can start Muay Thai Training! The most common mistake we see for power production is lack of rotation. The base foot, hips and torso all need to rotate so that power production can be maximized. Lack of rotation means that power will only come from the leg instead of the whole body. The most common mistake for speed is letting the base foot be too sticky or fixed to the ground. There needs to be a lot of rotation and a little bit of bounce on the base foot for speed. If the base foot is stuck to the floor it acts like a brake to your speed. Interested in starting Muay Thai Kickboxing Classes? You can email muaythai@dragongym.com or fill out the form
to below to set up a free trial Muay Thai Kickboxing Lesson. Dragon Gym Kru Muay Thai Kickboxing is a straight up, no-nonsense, REAL kick boxing program in Exton, PA minutes from Downingtown. We train full contact fighters, beginners and everyone in between. Students can expect to get a great workout, understanding of striking fundamentals and knowledgeable instruction from certified and field tested instructors. Classes are held six days a week. Style - There are many different styles of kickboxing available; however, the most effective and devastating of them all is Muay Thai or Thai Boxing.