Posts By: Somnath Sikdar

Muay Thai Sparring Drill -- The Gallop

Exton Muay Thai Students: Here's a quick little drill to practice when moving forward with combinations. It's called the "gallop drill" For more information about the Muay Thai Kickboxing Program at the Dragon Gym in Exton, please visit our main website:  DRAGONGYM.COM. What more could you need? Discover how to use every part of your... Read more »

When You're Drowning, Don't blame the water

There's an old Korean proverb that goes: "When you're drowning, don't blame the water". This statement is in reference to the concept of Integrity.   Integrity is another one of those "Tenets" of Tae Kwon Do culture and again similar concepts are found in Muay Thai, BJJ and physical fitness lineages. The dictionary defines "integrity"... Read more »

Muay Thai Clinch Basics

Hey Folks, Check out this week's muay thai tip. It's for beginners. But, it's one of the most important parts of Muay Thai training: The clinch. Here's a basic set up and pummel drill. Enjoy! Click HERE to sign up for our Muay Thai Trial. 3 Classes and a free pair of kickboxing gloves for... Read more »

Self Control is about choices, not abilities

In martial arts training (and physical fitness training) we often talk about self control and discipline. What are these things? Why are they important? And, how can we use them to our benefit and not to our detriment? I think of self-control like a reserve or a bank.  We have a fixed amount of self... Read more »