Kid Martial Arts

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The benefits of Kid Martial Arts

Martial Arts are an activity that have been practiced by kids in Asia for many years. The primary aim of Martial Arts was to train a person's mind, body, and soul. However, martial art training is becoming a trend in different societies across the world. And parents are also enrolling their kids for tae kwon do classes and other martial arts programs. Martial arts for children have numerous benefits to your child because they will always remain physically fit as well as learn self-defense skills. Some of the reasons you should allow your kids to enroll in martial arts for kids programs include:

Kid Martial Arts use Physical Exercises

In this generation, human lifestyle does not encourage physical work. It is, for this reason; that parents should ensure that their kids are physically fit through tae kwon do or martial arts class. The children will be involved in jumping, push-ups, stretches, and jacks as part of the warming activities. These physical movements will make the child always flexible, and body toned. These physical exercises help in improving the muscular and cardiovascular health systems of the child.

Kid Martial Arts teach Self defense

The life today has many situations that need someone to have self-defense skills. Your child will go through lessons on how to escape from an attacker as well as how to fight back when attacked. In martial art classes, the child is also trained in different ways to solve and avoid problems in the society.

Kid Martial Arts bring a sense of self-discipline

Tae kwon do classes inculcate self-discipline in children. Mental focus and concentration is one of the tenets in these martial arts classes. When your child continuously focuses their mind to learn the different styles in martial arts, it will also reflect in other areas of the child's life.

Kid Martial Arts Instill a character of respect for self and others

Learning tae kwon do skills require one to give the instructors absolute respect. The children are expected to comply with the instructions from their teachers. These martial arts skills, as a result, help the kid to treat everyone with respect and also submit to authority.

Kid Martial Arts Improve self-esteem

When you have a child who struggles with self-confidence, martial arts for kids offer the best opportunity to help them build their confidence. When they move from one rank to another, it will give them a sense of achievement and they will start feeling confident in what they do with time.

In conclusion, parents should consider taking their children for martial arts for kids because the benefits of attending these lessons outweigh the cost they would pay in the martial arts programs. And the tae kwon do skills will also help the child in tackling different challenges in life.

So, if you are in Exton, West Chester, or Downingtown, PA and have an interest in getting your kid involved with martial arts, please visit our main website: 


Conquer your Fear


In martial arts training one of the goals is to "Conquer one's Fear".

Martial Arts Classes in Exton Pa can Help You conquer your fear

What exactly does that mean?  Well, in practical terms, all martial arts are rooted in fighting or some sort of combat.  In training and implementation, there is a fear of getting hit, fear of hitting the ground, fear of defeat and fear of consequences.   The goal of training is to help alleviate those fears so that we can take action (hopefully positive action)

Of course, martial arts training has evolved far past fisticuffs or preparation for the battlefield.   Most of us don't have a lifestyle that puts us in a constant threat of physical conflict. But, even with this evolution, there are still, in my view, some important lessons to be taken from these roots.

I'll start with the example of the fear of falling or hitting the ground.  This is a very rational fear.   Slip and fall is one of the leading causes of death for those under 65 in the USA not to mention having your body careening towards the ground, matted or not, isn't pleasant and rightfully disconcerting.   So, in martial arts, this is one of the first things we address.

From a utility standpoint the best thing you can do to "defend yourself" is to learn how to defend your self from the ground itself.   Additionally, the techniques of martial arts just can't be learnt with out the ability fall down and get back up....many times.

What does this have to do with fear?   Well, when most people start out with martial arts classes they are afraid to fall, they are afraid to hit the ground.  So what happens?   Not only do they avoid the necessary techniques, they "tense up" as a reaction to their fear.

Remember this:

Fear leads to tension and tension leads to pain.

As a student is afraid to be taken down and hit the floor they tense up, maybe even freeze, and this worsens the impact.  The wrong points of the body will hit the ground and the body will not be rightly prepared to disperse the impact.   The fall will hurt, maybe even injure the student.

Well, lesson learned right?  Next time the student will do it right to avoid the pain.   Wrong.   As humans, we are constantly trying to avoid pain, but sometimes when this avoidance is manifested as fear we do it the wrong way.   Now, when said student is taken again, they will be more afraid, they will tense up more and the hurt will increase.

The cycle can be viscous.

We need to be able to coach the student no how to fall in a way that this cycle is not created.  And, if necessary, we may need to break this cycle.   In martial arts, we teach the students to fall from a point so close to the ground that they are not afraid.   The student starts lying down on the floor and practices slapping the mats, then they sit up, then they crouch, then they kneel, then they stand, so on and so forth.

As you can see, through the progression, we are gradually bringing the student farther and farther from floor stopping just on the trailing edge of their comfort zone and the leading edge of their fear.

The student learns how to fall, properly, from a point where they are not afraid.  They see that it does not harm them and we can progress, we can move forward.   Now the student can train with confidence and learn new techniques.

We often say that one needs to get out of their comfort zone in order for the "cool stuff" to happen.   This is absolutely true, but we need to get out in the right way.   For some jumping into the ice cold water can be a positive impetus for change, but for some it is not.   Those need to gradually stretch and grow their "zone".

Some of our fears are rational, but some are not.   Often, fear is really a false expectation that we still believe to be real.   It can be a fear of a new martial arts technique, fear of moving a heavier kettlebell, fear of fighting, fear of losing.   With perspective, we see that those are little things and can be overcome.

The fears that are harder to overcome are often more abstract: fear of something new or unknown, fear of movement or change, fear of stability, fear of what others may think.

We often say that humans are evolved to react in one of two ways: Fight or Flight.   This is the biological response to an extreme stimulus, like fear.   However, I think there is a third, more common, response: Freeze.    Rationally, we know that taking action will be positive but we don't act.   This lack of action comes down to fear, to false expectations,   We fear the outcome, because nothing is 100% certain, so we freeze.

It's best not to move, lest we move and we fall.   However, we can move.  We just need to take smaller steps.  The size of those steps are different for all of us, but they can be taken--even these abstract fears can be seen and broken down into little things with the right perspective.  Sometimes that perspective takes times, takes experience and takes others.

And we know, that these little things can be conquered.


Somnath Sikdar

Master Instructor

Dragon Gym

instructor somnath sikdar

PS. Take a look at this video for some of my thoughts on the "Comfort Zone"


Kids BJJ Classes in Exton PA


At the Dragon Gym in Exton, PA we teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) classes to both adults and kids.   We've been teaching martial arts to children for over 35 years and we specialize in helping them progress and learning the techniques.

For more information about our children's and adult's programs, please visit our main website:

Check it out:


West Chester Martial Arts - Taekwondo, Korean Karate and Hapkido


Do you live in West Chester, PA?  Are you considering martial arts training for yourself or your family?  Consider the Dragon Gym West Chester martial arts program.  We have been teaching martial arts to the residents of west chester for over 40 years.   The Dragon Gym was founded by Grand Master Chae Teok Goh in the early seventies and the martial arts school is currently owned and operated by Somnath Sikdar, Lonnie Beck and Chris Taylor.

They are proud to continue this rich martial arts tradition and continue to share the benefits of martial arts to the people of west chester.   Since the 1970s the martial arts school has evolved from teaching Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do and Hapkido.  In addition to those traditional martial arts we now offer Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Kickboxing Classes.   We also offer Russian Kettlebell and Power Yoga Classes.

When adults and kids learn martial arts, they study things like self-defense, blocks, kicks, strikes, boxing, throws, takedowns and grappling.  However, they also learn much more.  They learn about positive mindset, discipline, humility and friendship.   These four pillars are the crux of the martial arts system at the Dragon Gym.

If you are interested, please visit our main website:

Some highlights of the Adult Martial Arts training at the Dragon Gym in west chester, PA. The traditional martial arts program at the Dragon Gym is headed by Somnath Sikdar. The approach is traditional not dogmatic. It is traditional in the sense that we train martial arts for the sake of training martial arts not for competition, self-protection, or fitness specifically. Of course, these are often goals and / or benefits that each student will reap. However, we don't do things because that's the way they've always been done. We incorporate what makes sense from both sports science and a variety of martial arts.

West Chester Tae Kwon Do