Every time you say yes to something, you say no to something else


“Every time you say yes to something, you say no to something else”

instructor somnath sikdarI first heard this line in a mastermind group ("The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.") a few years ago and it really rang a bell with me.

Of course this statement was made in the context of business and entrepreneurship, but it also makes a lot of sense in the realm of physical fitness and martial arts training.

Does this statement imply a close-minded outlook, where we are saying no to everything we can or at least to everything new?

No, not at all.

The statement provides clarity. Clarity on the need for focus and purpose in everything we do, be it personal or professional.

Time is infinite, but our time is limited. We are all born and we all die, the time in-between is all we have. In a more tangible sense, the week is only 7-days long and the day is only 24 hours—although many times we wish we had more hours in the day!

How we will best utilize those years, days and hours?

When we say yes to those things that are sort-of-good we are quite actually taking time away from things that are really good.

So, health is this most important thing in our life, but if we allocate too much time to it, to exercise then we are in fact taking time away from our families, our profession or things that we enjoy and we need to be healthy for in the first place.

That’s a good question. What are things you need to be healthy for?

We can define health or fitness (because they are not the same thing) in a variety of ways. For example, one person’s definition of fitness may be how many miles they can run and how fast; yet another’s may be how much weight they can bench press. Clearly, the physical requirements of these two tasks are totally different and the pursuit of those tasks will yield different outcomes for the individual.

Even though there are differences in how we define fitness, it can be defined as long as we define what the relevant tasks are. Defining health is another story. What is healthy “enough”? To some it may be a perfect, in-range blood panel. To others, it just might mean “not dead yet”.

So, what is healthy enough and what is fit enough?

Again, I think the question comes back to the individual. What do you want to be healthy for? What do you want to be fit for?

What is it about the rest of your life that will be enhanced by increasing your fitness and improving your health?

When you answer this question, it will be much easier to find the motivation to do what is necessary, and only what is effective to reach your goals. You see when it comes to fitness people often only do what they like to do, or what is popular. That makes sense, but it might not be the right thing to do, or you might be doing too many things.

Sometimes, we pursue fitness tasks because there is some sort of “attainment” associated with those tasks. You can run a mile in less then 6 minutes. You can bench press 250 pounds. Woo Hoo!

Who cares?

If you do, and it motivates you to workout and work harder that is great. However, does it bring you closer to the “other things”? The things or things in your life that you want to be healthy for? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t.

When you say yes to running for hours several times a week, what are you saying no to?

When you say yes to pumping iron for hours a day, what are you saying no to?

What am I getting at? Is there a way, is there something that you can do that will take minimal time, less time away from the “other things” yet still be largely effective in keeping you fit and possibly healthy?

There is, but you have to be willing to let go of what is “cool” and possibly what you “like to do”. You have to let go of the “attainments” as a motivation. If you do that, the fitness part is pretty simple. (not easy as one of my mentors, Dan John would say).

The health part is also easy. You need to eat right. Every time you say “yes” to a bad food you are saying “no” to a good food. You also need to avoid unhealthy behavior: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, driving without your seat belt, etc.

Ok, back to the fitness part. What’s my answer? Well as you can guess, my first choice is martial arts training and for those that aren’t into martial arts kettlebell training.

However, there are a couple of caveats. If you are training in martial arts solely to compete, fight, or earn your next belt it will take a lot of time and dedication. The focus has once again shifted to the attainment. These are noble pursuits, but not what I am talking about here.

Similarly, if you are training with kettlebells to “pass the snatch test”, press a heavier kettlebell or complete a heavier getup, you are once again focusing on the attainment.

These pursuits are all attainable, but realize that if you truly dedicated to them, you will have to dedicate more time than you need to.

Conversely, martial arts or kettlebell training – done right – can be a great way to attain and then maintain a competent level of fitness.

But, you have to be able to enjoy the mundaneness of the plateau. Do the same few things day in and day out. Be willing to accept a lack of progress. Have anti-goals.

For example with kettlebells:

Un-weighted Turkish Get Ups
200-300 swings a day (work up to it)
Goblet Squat or Front squat – 3 sets of 3
Clean and Press or double clean and press – 3 sets of 3

That’s it. You’ll be surprised with how little time this takes. Do it 4-5 times per week. This is a very general workout, so you won’t make “progress”, but that makes sense for us. This will give you a base level of fitness and movement to improve the rest of your life.

For example with martial arts:
Some slow smooth tumbling/rolling
Practice 4-8 forms (kata/poomsae) or 3-5 rounds of shadow boxing
Heavy Bag work

Again, this about 20-30 minutes of work. Are you going to be the next UFC champion or get a black belt? Of course not. But it will provide you with aforemention base level of fitness with minimal time requirement. Train like this 4-5 times per week, or take a 1-hour martial arts class 2-3 times per week.

How Martial Arts can help kids with ADHD


instructor somnath sikdarChildren's martial arts programs are often touted for their psychosocial benefits.  What exactly are these so called psycho-social benefits?  They are some of the soft-skills that are difficult to quantify.  For example, children's martial programs aim to develop self-esteem, self-confidence, discipline, better grades, improved behavior at home and at school, leadership.

These are all great traits and we hope see them flourish in our children; however, how do we quantify them?   That is clearly a difficult questions.  But, as parents and educators sometimes we "just know".  The value of our experience and perception is more than ticking boxes on a checklist.

That said, developing these qualities is no easy thing to do especially when it comes children with ADD or ADHD.

Let's face it, martial arts is not cure all.   Sending your kid to karate class for 45 minutes a week isn't going to do much.  We know this.  You need to be sending your kids to class 2-3 times per week as part of a comprehensive approach.

Not all martial arts programs that teach kids are Children's Martial Arts programs.   In the early days of martial arts schools being opened up to children there was no difference between what was taught to adults and children; more significantly there was no difference in how martial arts were taught to adults and children.

Over time, the instructors saw that this was not appropriate and starting modifying their martial arts curriculum.   In reality they were just simplifying, in many cases watering-down the program.   But, these were not programs designed for children.

A true children's martial arts program specifically address the stages of development in a child and the four primary components of that development.   As a kid moves from pre-school to elementary school to middle school and eventually high school and beyond they grow in 4 areas.  The grow physically, intellectually, and emotionally and socially.

Our children's martial arts program (SKILLZ) is specifically designed to guide and motivate a child through these 4 areas from 3 years old to college.

Why is that important?

The challenges and obstacles to success for a child are ever changing and ever increasing.   The world is increasingly interconnected and thus competitive, being a high-contributer/performer is more important and more difficult.   So, we need to give our children an advantage in this newly competitive and treacherous environment.

What does that have to do with ADD and ADHD?

In psychology, there is a term: "executive function" or "executive control".   This is basically the ability to resist distraction and switch between tasks in an efficient and effective way.  If you recall, last week I wrote about the "Marshmallow Test".   Kids that "passed" the marshmallow test had better executive control and they showed better long term outcomes.

Here's the kicker (yes, pun intended).  Physical exercise (not just mental exercise) can improve executive control.   How do we know this?  Well, recent research shows exactly that.

1. Dr. Charles Hillman and his colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial (the paper is linked here) on the effects of physical activity on a group of children from 7-9 years old.  As you might guess, the children in the intervention group (as opposed to the control group) showed higher levels of fitness.   Let's not forget about fitness either!  However, his conclusion is powerful: "The intervention enhanced cognitive performance and brain function during tasks requiring greater executive control. These findings demonstrate a causal effect of a PA program on executive control, and provide support for PA for improving childhood cognition and brain health."   Here "PA" refers to physical activity.

2. Here's another study  that compared using Physical Activity vs Sedentary Classroom based interventions for kids ADHD symptoms.   Parents and teachers then rated the presentation of the symptoms over a 12 week period.  From the abstract: "Primary analyses indicate that the PA intervention was more effective than the SC intervention at reducing inattention and moodiness in the home context. Less conservative follow-up analyses within ADHD status and intervention groups suggest that a PA intervention may reduce impairment associated with ADHD-risk in both home and school domains"  The gist:  both interventions helped, but it seemed like the exercise intervention helped more.

3. Another 8-week study (link here) that shows "Physical activity shows promise for addressing ADHD symptoms in young children."

4. Remember fitness/weight control is important too.  A Swedish study (that replicated the results with data from the United States) found that over-weight / obese teenagers tend to have lower cognitive abilities and acquire fewer skills through life thus affecting their economic outcomes.  (link here).

This research shows that physical activity is important to physical health and brain health, yet it is being stripped from our educational systems and our way of life.  Kids don't play outside as much as they used, they are distracted by, and in many cases have school obligations to use electronics.   So now, not only do we have to combat the entertainment factor of electronics, we have to combat the reality that their education is being driven to the technology itself.

Frankly, to me it is disconcerting that students now have homework assignments specifically designed for the iPad or some other tablet device.   I understand that kids need to learn how to use the technology in order to be competitive and relevant; however, the technology is as pervasive as our use of language.   Instead of teaching our kids the theory, they whys and how to learn we've become pre-occupied with the mechanics of "doing stuff".    They may have some finite skills to complete tasks, but they won't have the fundamental skills to learn and increase their knowledge base on their own and throughout life.  This is a long discussion for another day.

We've always known that there is a strong link between the mind and body.   In martial arts culture this has always been a given, something we've always accepted.  We've known in to be true without the research, from our experience and our perspective.  Now, the scientists are coming around as well.

Whether your child is showing symptoms of ADHD or just showing symptoms of being a kids, there are proven long term benefits of martial arts and physical activity for children.

A structured martial arts program is what we need, as parents, to not only fill this deficit but provide our children with the edge they need.

Learn more about our children's martial arts program here: www.dragongym.com 

Some tips to improve your Taekwondo Forms (Poomsae, Hyung, Tul)


In almost every single Taekwondo school forms are practiced.  They are an essential part of the taekwondo syllabus.  However, in some schools they may be more or less emphasized and the purpose of training is slightly different.  Here are a few examples.

In a Taekwondo school or club that is heavily focused on competitive sparring (like Olympic Style or WTF style sparring) a student may rarely or even never practice forms.  Maybe they are a cursory add on for belt testing.   Although, a competitive school also practice forms a lot if they are entering into Poomsae competitions.  For example, when I was coaching at the University of Pennsylvania we trained for sparring a lot and we trained forms a lot since we competed in both of those areas.

A more formalized school may practice forms a lot and for a variety of reasons: testing, tradition, workout, technique application, etc.

A school focused on practical techniques may practice forms a lot or very little, it depends on how they interpret forms.

So, before you endeavor to improve the quality of your forms have the big picture and your end goal in mind.   Steps to improve your poomsae competition score may not be the the same as improving your hyung for belt testing.

#1 -- Memorize the form.  Learn it from your instructor or from higher belts.  Watch them do it, watch videos, read books, and repetition.   If you don't have the form memorized, you will be "thinking" instead of doing.

#2 -- Practice Visualization.  Once you have the form memorized, close your eyes and picture yourself executing all of the moves.

#3 -- Work on your steps and stances.  Hold your belt, or place your hands behind your back, then move through the steps of the form in sequence.   Try to step as fast as you can and land in a perfect stances every time

#4 -- Work on your blocks and strikes independently.  The taekwondo forms consist of not too many blocks and strikes.  Drill those techniques on their own.  You can drill them from riding horse stance, front stance or back stance.  You can drill them in a stationary way in front of a mirror or you can drill them while stepping forward and/or backward.

#5 -- Realize that two things make a Taekwondo form look good.  Speed and correct positioning.  How fast can you execute the technique?  When you complete the technique, did you land in the correct position?  Are your feet/stance correct?  Are your arms in the correct position?  Your hips and torso?  You head, shoulders and gaze?

#6 -- Realize that "power" comes from the momentum of your entire body, not just speed.   If you step then punch or block as fast as you can, that is not enough.    You must step AND punch or block as fast as you can at the same time.

#7 -- Start developing "intent" with your poomsae/hyung practice.  What is intent?  Intent in martial arts practice can be described in many ways.  Here are a couple:  1.  It is your will while practicing.  2. It is knowledge of your enemy 3. It is understanding of the application of technique during execution.   I think all three are valid and work together.

#8 -- Make it more difficult to practice.  There are several ways to do this.  Remember, the mind and body responds to the need for greater exertion.   Here are some ideas:  1. close your eyes. 2. Practice in an unfamiliar place 3. Practice on an uneven surface (like sand, rocks, or a hillside).  4. Practice in hot or cold conditions 5. Practice with someone else trying to hit or shove your. 6. Practice with a weighted vest.

These are just some tips.  Poomsae practice and perfection is a lifetime endeavor.   Find a good instructor and commit to the life time journey that martial arts training is.



How to get more power out of your leg kick in Muay Thai Kickboxing


Hey Guys!

Coach Lonnie and assistant Sami Rice are back with another quick tutorial video.

Check out this video to see how you can clean up your technique with leg kicks and get more power.

Let us know what you think, and if there are other techniques you need help with.

Till next week...


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5 Reasons that teens need Martial Arts


A nice, short article from Nancy Robinson (a fourth degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. An active martial arts instructor and a freelance writer published internationally, Nancy is your Examiner guide through the martial arts world.) on examiner.com.

Here are the bullet points:

Fitness - "Martial arts, on the other hand, is a year-round, healthy fitness commitment which provides a full-body workout, strength, flexibility and muscle building exercises to keep teens healthy and prepared to succeed in school and at home."

Positive Self-Esteem - "They become more resilient, and therefore better able to face stressors of everyday life. Teens who practice martial arts celebrate their successes in training, and therefore learn to celebrate themselves in life."

Socialization Skills - "Learning how to include others and how to be included is a by-product of the discipline and character-building curriculums present in good martial arts schools."

Stress Management - "The Mayo Clinic reports that regular exercise acts as a stress reliever because it releases endorphins, increasing one’s sense of well-being. So the regular physical activity that martial arts provides is perfect for the growing teen."

Self Defense - "Practical and persistent training in a traditional martial arts system like Tang Soo Do, Taekwondo, Kenpo, Jiu Jitsu, or Judo to name a few, provide a practical self-defense education to prepare teens for danger that they may encounter in life."

Martial arts also helps teens develop confidence, resilience and determination which helps propel them toward their positive life goals. Regular participation in traditional martial arts practice is good for the teenager’s mind, body and spirit.

Click HERE to see the full article. (http://www.examiner.com/article/5-reasons-why-teens-need-martial-arts)