Martial Arts in West Chester Pa | Dragon Gym Tae Kwon Do



Many students begin their study of Martial Arts with the thought of getting into better physical condition or as a means of self-defense. However as you progress you will discover that the physical demands, the mental concentration, and the self discipline required to totally master these art forms will become a deeper part of yourself and will influence many other aspects of your life.


Years of teaching and training experience in the Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and various other art forms has developed into a system that is exclusively taught at the Dragon Gym, which uniquely blends the best of the Martial Arts. This system is indeed a modem application of the traditional Martial Arts.

The system is founded on two major principles first—UM and YANG and second KI or Internal Spirit, which incorporates the development of weaponless defense techniques that have the effect of transforming the practitioners hands and feet into weapons so that in the event of a situation demand¬ing defense action he or she is victorious over the aggressor.
The system is also a philosophy of mental discipline and self control which will influence the student’s behavior and therefore encourage participation and pride in their community. In this way the Art is used for the betterment of their society. As a result a student will receive many benefits from their training, such as:

Physically you will be healthier and stronger than ever, plus you will learn valuable practical self-defense. A strong body builds a strong mind.


• Increase endurance and stamina achieved through Dan-Jun Breathing
• Increase balance, coordination, strength, flexibility
• Self-defense ability

Mentally you will build your inner strength and become a more powerful and confident individual. A positive mental attitude provides the best ideas for self-improvement.


• Increase self-confidence
• Total control of mind over body
• Improve power of concentration
• Increase self-discipline
• Awareness of better living through physical fitness
• Increase self-esteem

Philosophically you will create, set, and strive to achieve your personal goals. Through achieving your goals, you will increase your self-respect, and lead a more productive and peaceful life. This self-motivating program will help you get better grades in school, succeed in your career, develop better social relationships, and be happier in everyday life.

The Dragon Gym is for you. Young or old, male or female, large or small, it makes no difference. You will enjoy learning the Martial Arts from our highly qualified Black Belt Instructors, they will make every effort to provide you with a safe, fun, and educational Martial Arts Program. You will develop a new way of life both in the gym and outside of the gym.

Visit our Main Website to get more information on our West Chester, PA Location and see if Martial Arts will be a good fit for you and your family.